Mon 27 Jan
You Could Hit It LIke A Game Of PinG Pong!!!!!!!!!!!! $40 Special!!!!!!!!! Parkchester InThe Bronx - 32
(Bronx, Parkchester in the bronx)
WHAT YOUR WIFE WON'T DO) call me ( I WILL )💋SUPER Freaky&VERYaddictive;💋 #1 ELITE DIVA 347-912-0974 - 23
we have all gorgeous young cute latina girls 36 D DD & Petite 718 772 4421 in call - 28
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
* * hot * sexy * * bRuNeTte * BeAcH * bUnNy * * available 24/7 * * - 22
(Orange County, south OC outcalls)
New up-to-date pics!!!!! Yes I'm real ! Upscale 34 dd blonde southern belle - 26
(downtown, Memphis)
rEaL PIcS , WeLl EsTaBLIshEd PrOViDER , NO GaMes DiSCreEt Location, OuT AlSo Avail. - 21
(Columbus, my domain or yours)
HoT & SeXy (((( INDEPeNDENT )))) oNly a pHOne Call away, Don't dELay - 21
(Orange County, beach blv COSTA MESA Huntington Beach)
• P€tIt€⊙B€aut ωith;🇦🇲🇦🇿🇮🇳🇬skills/ 614-284-1733• YOUR FANTASY GIRL• - 25
(Columbus, ☆INCALL☆OUT CALL☆24HR☆)
New ( Big Booty ) = Small Waist = ( Flat Stomach ) = Cute Face = { Giant BooBs } Ready Now! - 20
(Houston, I-45 & 1960, Greens Rd, Belt 8, North)
*****New to BP*****I'M MADISON come see what you've been missing out on all your life!!! - 24
(Columbus, Columbus/outcalls)
*-:¦:- LiCk My Pu$$Y -:¦:- PoUNd My Pu$$Y* BuRSt AnY whEre ((No LiMitS 80)) cArAmEL party girl - 24
(In CaLLs LAX 405 fwy)
mouth watering skills you can't resist ,, no appt needed .. AVAILABLE now - 22
(Scranton, pittston in call / out call)
*Tired Of Fake Pic's, Overpriced, Rude, Clock Watching, Ugly Chicks? What You See Is What You Get!* - 18
(Virginia Beach, TOWN CENTER 619-794-9811)
MEGA MAMITAS Ony in GG SPA is #1 in Town with the BEST DOLLS Ever.WALK-IN PAPI. 310.461.9610 - 22
(Long Beach, Long Beach, Hawthorne, Torrence, Gardena)
🍭UpscaleNasty Columbian 🍭 Just Visiting Very H0rny - 20
(Bronx, South Bronx 165th 3rd Avenue INCALLS)
G G MASSAGE ( o )( o ) Gentleman's Choice # 1 Come to SEE New HOT MENU 4 U .@ 310.461.9610 - 22
(Long Beach, Long Beach, Hawthorne, Torrence, Gardena)
* Sund@yz SwEets ( 2 Cotton Candy Treats ) * 2 for 120 * Mystery & Treasure * sexy & discreet* - 20
(Bronx, bronx & manh outc@lls)
Military THURSDAY It's The ** 1 zero zero** SPECIAL 757 285 2476 1 pm - 7 pm Only 2- DAY - 28
(Virginia Beach, VA beach/ Wolfsnare Area)
🎁 Last Chance To Come Unwrap Yr Christmas Present!🎁 Great HH Specs!!! Extra Discs For Rtrn&Mltry;💋 - 30
(Chesapeake, Chesp)
(...DAISY...) ★ ( SwT ___________ L!k ____________ HoNy! - 22
(Norwalk ___ Incall & Outcall Avail.___)
Mercedes Love Is Still Pleasing Never Teasing Up All Night 7576726105 (Til Checkout ) - 21
(Virginia Beach, Outcalls/ Incall In Chesapeake)
🌴💋🌸 STOP FLorida LAdy👧 HERE 🌊Ride My WAve Scorpio ♏ let's have some fun 👅💋 3862149149 - 19
(Bronx, bx)
Look who's Back and Ready to Play (Visit my website for info) - 30
(Eastern NC, Greenville/Gboro/Wilson/Your City)
Marlyinn OUT call services ! UPSCALE COMPANIONSHIP 😈💓👛 - 21
(Houston, The Woodlands, the woodlands Texas)
SuPeR SeXy dominican girl next door (347)364-5940 - 21
(Bronx, 238th ( Neried Ave ) Whiteplains Road)
💟🌹💟🌹🍰🍰FEELING KiNKy TOdayCall me ♛AvAiLaBLe ♛INCaLL SpECiALs All NiGHt🎁🎁🎁80$specials - 21
(Artisa,Cerritos,lakewood,605/91fwy, Long Beach)
-:¦:- (SeXxiNeSS) .-:¦:-. (ANY) -:¦:- (WAY) -:¦:- (YOU) :¦:-(WANT IT) √ $150 SPECIAL - 23
(Savannah, midtown/abercorn incall/outcall)
How would you like me and my girlfriend at the same time? Out calls in Jville -in call in Hampstead - 21
(Hampstead incall - out jville and Wilm)
✨🏆 Elite Courtesan ✨🏆 4 Star Luxury Hotel ✨$100 Outcall Specials ✨🏆$50/$80/ $100 Incall Specials🏆 ✨ - 24
(Orange County, Irvine Buisness Complex)
👉Gentleman's Choice 💖100$ Special 💎 📞7575725884 💖 BUY 1 HOUR& GET 2nd HOUR 1/2 Price 💖 All CC TAKEN - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Hampton Roads Outerbanks/YOUR PLACE, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
It's Friday & I'm Feeling Frisky (Visit my website for info) - 30
(Greenville/Rky Mt/Wilson/In/Outcalls)
❤ ✿ Euclid Massage GRAN OPEN Anaheim Latinas •✿ ❤ ☎ 714-605-7611☎ - 23
(Orange County, 1661 west Broadway suite 10 anaheim)
Hey guys I am up late. Call 24/7!! Ask for Sara your sexy blonde secret!! My place or yours!! - 26
(Virginia Beach)
^_^ Come Get Sunday Specials ^_^ 8(o) SpEcIals *_* Norwalk/ 605 fwy *_*_ - 19
(Long Beach, Downey/Norwalk/605 fwy)
In GREENVILLE New number! Upscale Spanish vixen specials available NOW! - 20
(Eastern NC, Greenville)
Hot and Wild girls!!! ** Your pleasure is our passion ** - 22
(Wilmington/Jville and surrounding areas)
BUSTY*** Blonde is sure to** PLEASE***38DD R Natural ** $100hr special - 50
(Garden Grove, Valleyview & Cerritos)
★ C A U I O N 100% REAL PICS DDS BIG A$$ DaNgrOu§lY AdDiCiNg Fililpino&Cuban; ★ - 19
## ## Busty, Tall, & Pretty NEW Asian girl*** Be cool this summer***
(Freeway 22, near central of Oc)
ღ _ ღ S •E •✖•Y ღ _ ღ Hot Young Latina Will Leave You Breathless ♥ Everything! Promise - 19 - 21
(Downtown, Manhattan, solo delivry)
€rupt like a VolCano♡♡ MaKiN HiM STaND @ ATTeNTioN iS My SPeCiaLiTY! ♡ {aMaZiNG SKiLLS} ♡♡ - 23
(Bronx, South E169St Incall 50^80 pillowtop)
⚫️🔴⚪️🎱 sTOP HERE ⚫️⚪️🔴___ upscaLE BABe____ Superskills 🔴⚪️⚫️ - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk, Norwalk pioneer ( areas ))
Bridget doing EARLY MORNING incalls!!!! Blonde 19 yr old Bridget w INCALLS
(off to my anaheim incall)
Hey Gentleman The one and only Natasha is back for one weekend only so better hurry hope to see you - 24
(Columbus, Columbus,Ohio)
★New Girl ★Grand Open ★★ Real Sexy And Young ★★★★24 Hours ★★★★ (Flushing) - 21
(Astoria, Flushing NY, Queens)